
An overview of the former Members of the Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED) at the University of Bern.


  • Dr. Yashar Blouri (Former doctoral student)
    Zurich Insurance Group
  • Dr. Konstantin Büchel (Former Post-Doc)
  • Dr. Simon Büchler (Former Post-Doc)
    MIT, Center for Real Estate
  • David Burgherr (Former student assistant)
    London School of Economics
  • Yvan Jutzi (Former student assistant)
    Institut für Politikwissenschaft (IPW)
  • Dr. Preetha Kalambaden (Former doctoral student)
    Fahrländer Partner Raumentwicklung
  • Dr. Stephan Kyburz (Former doctoral student)
    London School of Economics
  • Dr. Pierre Magontier (Former Post-Doc)
    Department of Economics at the University Pompeu Fabra and the Barcelona School of Economics (BSE)
  • Dr. Markus Schläpfer (Ehemaliger Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter)
    Columbia University, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
  • Assistant Professor Olivier Schöni (Former Post-Doc)
    Université de Lausanne
  • Meret Staub (Former student assistant)
    EDA, Schweizer Mission bei der NATO
  • Dr. Daniel Steffen (Former doctoral student)
    Lucerne School of Business


  • Silvy Achermann (Former student assistant)
  • Jonas Brügger (Former student assistant)
    Direktion für Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit DEZA
  • Dr. Yelka Eggenschwiler (Former doctoral student)
  • Jolanda Herzog (Former student assistant)
    Die Mobiliar
  • Adrian Künzi (Former student assistant)
  • Dr. Therese Lehmann Friedli (Former Post-Doc / deputy head of the research unit Tourism)
    Co-Schulleiterin Eriswil
  • Simone Lussi (Former student assistant)
  • Sandra Lüthi (Former head of secretariat of the research unit Tourism)
    Rehaklinik Tschugg AG
  • Sarah Martz-Hämmerli (Former student assistant)
  • Roman Ogi (Former student assistant)
    Wüest Partner AG
  • Nadina Pahud-Schiesser (Former student assistant)
    EBP Schweiz AG
  • Dr. Adrian Pfammatter (Former doctoral student and Research Assistant II)
    Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO
  • Marcus Roller (Former Co-Head of the research unit Tourism)
    intervista AG
  • Micha Röthlisberger (Former student assistant)
  • Manuel Steiner (Former student assistant)
    Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten EDA
  • Romina Weber (Former student assistant)
  • Dr. Samuel Wirth (Former doctoral student)